Infrastructure Decision Support (IDS) are delighted to announce their first formal partnership with the Road Efficiency Group (REG) which was recently marked by way of a memorandum of understanding (MOU).
The MOU is seen as a hugely positive outcome for both organisations which will bring benefits to the entire transport sector.
Photo caption: L-R: Murray Burt, REG Governance Group Chair, Theuns Henning, IDS CEO, Julie Muir, IDS Board Chair, with Andrew McKillop, Programme Manager, Road Efficiency Group (REG).
The organisations will combine skills and expertise to work collectively to support and guide Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs), regional and local councils, and the industry in their journey to achieving Road Asset Management Best Practice.
The organisations’ shared vision is to increase ownership and understanding of asset management processes within the sector.
Each will utilise their strengths and work collaboratively to promote why data, analysis tools and modelling outcomes improves and enhances evidence-based decision-making and robust investment programmes.
Murray Burt from the REG Governance Group and REG Programme Manager Andrew McKillop are positive about the collaboration.
Murray Burt: “It was a pleasure to meet and join the board for the signing of the MOU and to align our shared vision. We’re looking forward to a constructive partnership between IDS and REG.”
Julie Muir, Board Chair and Dr Theuns Henning, CEO, signed on the dotted line on behalf of IDS.
Dr Henning said, “This is massive step in the right direction for everyone. Our common goal is to deliver one voice to the country when it comes to best practice. Having cemented our relationship officially with REG provides a level of cross-validation of our respective roles within the sector.”
About IDS IDS provide industry leadership in the development, advocacy, and implementation of evidence-based decision making for infrastructure in New Zealand. Set up by Asset Management industry leaders over two decades ago, the charitable organisation provides asset infrastructure management professionals and councils solutions to maintain, improve and protect their infrastructure assets and make the most informed decisions.
About REG
The REG partnership is governed and delivered through a genuine collaboration between Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, LGNZ, and local government. Activities in the REG work programme focus on building sector capability, leadership in improvement of transport outcomes, and shifting the culture of transport investment to proactively address future challenges and improve decision-making around wellbeing outcomes. Website:
Media release below.